Magic Bar Rice Krispie Treats
We’ve transformed a traditional 7-Layer Bar dessert into delicious Magic Bar Rice Krispie Treats that are packed with chocolate, butterscotch, and coconut flavors and...
We’ve transformed a traditional 7-Layer Bar dessert into delicious Magic Bar Rice Krispie Treats that are packed with chocolate, butterscotch, and coconut flavors and...
Our easy-to-make Butterscotch Rice Krispie Treats will have everyone asking for seconds. This rich and decadent twist on a classic dessert is just what...
Impress your friends and family with our easy-to-make Maple Rice Krispie Treats. A tasty twist on a classic with just the right amount of...
Don’t miss our Coffee Rice Krispie Treats. Made with a hint of coffee flavor and topped with creamy coffee-flavored icing, this recipe is a...
Looking for an easy, no-bake treat? These Peanut Butter Cup Rice Krispie Treats are the perfect combination of sweet and salty, with chunks of...
Satisfy your churro cravings with these delicious no-bake Churro Rice Krispie Treats. Our easy recipe combines the classic cereal treat with cinnamon and sugar...
Enjoy the taste of peanut butter cups? Then you’ll love our no-bake Reese’s Puffs Marshmallow Treats! Crunchy, gooey, and oh so deliciously sweet. Try...
Looking for a delicious and easy dessert? Try our Potato Chip Rice Krispie Treats! The combination of sweet and salty will have your taste...
Create a summer favorite any time of the year with our easy no-bake recipe for Golden Grahams S’mores Marshmallow Treats. Perfect for your next...
Indulge in the perfect blend of coffee and chocolate with these mouthwatering Mocha Rice Krispie Treats. This easy no-bake recipe will have your friends...
These Cookie Butter Rice Krispie Treats are bursting with warm, spicy flavor thanks to the addition of cookie butter and Biscoff cookies. Perfect for...
Love Bananas and Marshmallow Treats? Our Banana Pudding Rice Krispie Treats combines the two for a sweet, crunchy and marshmallow-y treat that is chock...