Glitter Candles – Easy DIY Christmas Decorations
We show you how to turn candles from plain to spectacular in this fun and easy Glitter Candles Christmas Craft Project.
Our Glitter Candles – Easy DIY Christmas Decorations project started with a set of white candles that we found at Ikea for $9.99. In less than 30 minutes and with only Mod Podge and some pretty Christmas Red glitter we transformed them into these beautiful Christmas Glitter Candles that go perfectly with my other red, white and silver Christmas decorations.
You will need:
- Set of plain candles (we found ours at Ikea)
- Glitter – Red
- Mod Podge
- Crafting Brush
- Clear Sealer Spray
- Painting Tape
The candles were different sizes but I wanted the glitter to be the same height on each candle so I used painters tape to mark off the area I wanted to glitter on each of the candles. My plan was to apply the glitter to the bottom portion of each candle.
Using a crafting brush, I painted on a layer of Mod Podge on the area that I wanted to cover with glitter.
Then I sprinkled glitter over the candle until all of the Mod Podge was covered.
I let the candles dry overnight and then next day I gave them a light spray with Mod Podge Clear Sealer spray to help keep the glitter from flaking off later.
This is a very easy project and the candles turned out so great. The most difficult part was marking off the area that I wanted to glitter on each candle so that the line would be consistent when the candles were standing next to each other. I finished the whole project in less than 30 minutes.
These candles are really pretty and sparkly. I love them. Next time I’m going to try white or silver glitter on red candles!
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So pretty, great idea!
My question is, once you burn the candles, is the mod poge flammable?